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Image by Jeremy Bishop
discover the power of your story,
and decide how to harness it.

Hey, there!
 I'm Brannan.
You can call me B.

You're also likely to call me Brannon, Branan, Brennan, Brandon, Brandy, Brenda, Britney, Branson, Brianna...

You can call me anything as long as you call me when you're stuck.


Stories are a function of connection.
Editing should be, too.

I've ghosted dozens of books and edited hundreds more, and I've been in the world of web content since 2006.

That's a lot of time spent side by side with authors—usually for their first book—digging into their expertise, experience, and explorations. 


Here's what I know: Stories are the most natural, effective way we create change in the world.


But somewhere along the way, storytelling became co-opted by industry. When we exchanged the practice of writing for the product of content, we lost something important.


Some of us are trying to get it back.

If you’re only trying to turn a profit, I won’t be your person. But if you’re piecing together big ideas, showing up generously for the people you want to serve, and making sense of your life experiences, you deserve a connective container for that work—not corrective. 

Wherever you are in your creative journey, you're absolutely not alone.

The editor in your head can be your absolute worst critic.


And if you haven't worked with a supportive editor before, it's easy to believe that our work will look and sound just like that internal narrative.


I'm not that kind of editor. 

I don't even think I own a red pen.


Instead of seeing editing as a way to make great content perfect, I see my role as a way to support authors through the meaning-making process that makes books GOOD.


The book industry might call my work developmental editing, book coaching, line editing, etc.


My clients have called it "brain translator," "emotional support alpaca," "book mom," "book doula," "faerie dust," "magic shuffling," "flow editor," and "help."


Because when you feel wholly supported by someone who knows the work of writing, it frees you to focus on the real work of authorship: showing up as yourself, for yourself, your story, and your reader.

A Few Resources
A Way to Connect

Talk soon!

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