I always scroll through a service provider's page until I see pricing, so I don't want to leave this out. I also want to be clear that this is a service and not a product, so it's not just money and outcomes we're exchanging. It's the balance of time, energy, and money that helps us make the hard work of book-making something we can all enjoy.
Time Spent/Returned
Every service I provide (except milestone management) includes time on the phone/Zoom with you. Aside from Free Call Fridays, we'll always book at least an hour—two in the case of Alignment Discovery calls.
You do not have to prepare for the calls surrounding Alignment (including Discovery).
You will need to continue your writing practice as it stands, or as we'll refine it to be. I am not ghostwriting unless that becomes part of our engagement (and even that requires author involvement).
You don't have to join group calls live when you're in the Incubator, but I highly recommend trying to or setting aside time to review the recordings.
If you have a rush deadline, the rush will depend on the speed of your practice. For the record, I suggest... not. Books take what they take. I find that doubling up calls rarely helps us move faster, and skipping steps never does.
The return for rolling with me even if it feels like we're going backwards or slowing down is a stronger foundation for us to build on from there. Going slow is going fast.
Energy Spent/Returned
This is where the magic really happens. I get energized by hanging out with you and figuring out the puzzle of your book. You get energized by returning your focus to the heart of your message without the hangups that come from trying to self-edit as you go.
This energy comes from a mutual sense of safety, trust, and connection. If at any point the work feels forced or any of those links get broken, we can pause and evaluate our next steps. We're not slogging through creative work here—I promise that kind of pain doesn't make you more of an artist.
The return for the authors who meet me in that energy is often that the process became fun again, they feel relief after we talk, and they're excited about their project for the first time in a long time.
We also get to a version of their book that exceeds their expectations, and an understanding of their message that carries them through the hardest part of being an author: everything that comes after publishing.
Money Spent/Returned
In order to create this kind of space for you, I determine all of my pricing on day- and half-day-rates. My brain needs to minimize the amount of people I'm focusing on in a day, and your work benefits from me not having to hustle so hard. If they ever go up, it's because I've realized I'm spending more than that amount of time on a given service or that I need more coverage in order to reserve that space for folks (thanks, inflation).
I share this because the nonfiction book world is full of people undercutting the market in order to make book-making more "accessible"—and, let's be honest, it's often about trying to compete. In my experience, this doesn't serve either party well, especially in deep work scenarios. While I understand if you need to go with someone who has lower rates, I hope over time we can all work together to create a dynamic where everyone has what they need.
Currently, a single-hour call is ($300) and a two-hour call is ($600). This allows me to prepare for you and to process your notes and follow up work afterward. Everything else is built around those baseline rates. If my fees change, it'll be to either create more space for a service or because day rates need to change. Ugh, inflation.
If you're not sure what level of support you need, we can sort this out together on a Free Call. You can also put a deposit down to pay toward something in advance. In any case, it's important to make sure you're investing in the right service, at the right level for you, at all times.