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Purpose-driven nonfiction is lived first, not created from scratch.

You are already brilliant. And in most areas of your life, you know it.

The way you talk about your content with your clients, how much you've already researched, the years of experience you have—it's exactly what your book and your reader need.


But if that brilliance isn't on the page yet, fighting the page won't help.

Let's tap back into who you are, what you know, and why you're here.

One call isn't enough to name all the things, but it can be enough to change everything.


All you have to decide is how long you want that call to be.

show up to the typewriter and bleed < show up to the call and be.

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30 Minute Check-in 

free space for questions, curiosity, hangups, and wins

Free Call Fridays are some of my favorite spots to fill, because just 30 minutes is so often enough to unlock at least one door in between you and your book. Folks usually leave excited to get back to work again, knowing that they can take their project as far as they want to go and that I (and my network of brilliant creative service pros on all levels of the publishing process) will able to take them the rest of the way.

This call is not a 30-minute pitch, like some kind of time-share scheme for your brain. While I know I'll meet folks in this space who want to dive deeper, I don't create this space for an upsell, or for a sale at all. It's a place for us to pop in, take some weight off of your shoulders, and pop back out to the work of living the Big Idea that is you

There is no pre-req for this. No prep. No guidelines around how far you need to be in your process. You don't even have to be writing a book yet. If there is a spot on this calendar and putting your name on it would create any kind of connection, relief, or fresh energy, take it. I'd love to meet with you. In fact, when I can, I open Free Call Fridays up to more than just Fridays. Click through to find a time that works for you, and that's it. We'll figure out the rest together.

1-Hour Panic Button

one-off, as-needed calls for existing clients 

A GOOD book doesn't need you to be anything other than who you already are—but I can help you through specific hangups on your book a whole lot better when I know who you are. So if we haven't worked together yet, then we need to start with an Alignment Intensive first. In that space, we'll spend time establishing:

✔️ Who you are to this book 

✔️ Who your reader is and where their focus is now

✔️ How, why, and where you want to move them 

✔️ What kind of shape your book can take to do so

✔️ The most effective way/s to show up to that book


And my no-prep promise still applies: I'll meet you wherever you are, from early ideation to late stage editing, and all you have to do is show up. 


The beauty of setting up such an intentional space is that I get to support you in whatever way works best for you and your project, without surprise add-ons or us bumping into the edges of pre-set contracts. In other words, I get to show up just as fully for you and your book as you are for your reader.

And then we can pop back in whenever we need to, from regular accountability calls to random momentum re-starters, until the book you've already lived has finally come to life. 


I don't want to sound flippant about "unlocking"—because writing is definitely not EASY, and there's plenty else we can name in order to lay the foundation for a successful book-finishing process. I want to get you moving and keep you there, with enough trust in yourself that just showing up authentically is the depth, and enough trust in me that I can help you make it land well for your reader. If that sounds helpful to you, I'd love to see you on my calendar soon. Let's see what we can unlock together.

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